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Flight Report Information

Report #26272

General Information

Here is some general data for this flight report.

Flight RYR8730
Member Brian Levy
Date 25th August 2017
Aircraft Boeing 737-800
Flight Time 01:34:35
Landing Rate -171
Network UKV Server
Status Accepted

Routing Information

Here is some information about the route taken on this flight.

Departure Milan Malpensa Airport (LIMC)
Arrival London Stansted Airport (EGSS)

Report Comments

Comments can be left on reports to provide feedback to members, or to describe the context of a flight.

Brian Levy (UNI1158)

UK virtual Staff and Pilot of this Report

Can I just mention that when I completed the flight I noticed that there was a pop-up on my screen asking me to conform that I was at the keyboard. I have no idea when this popped up... I fly ALL my flights using FlyInside in VR. As the pop-up does not show up in the VR environment I was unaware of its presence. I can assure you that I was present for the whole flight....

Tony UK virtual (UNI548)

Technical Operations Director

The AFK is a mechanism designed to ensure pilots are at the controls at least every hour. The first one activates randomly any time within the first 2 hours of flight and then you get one every hour. For each minute you don't click the popup, it registers as an AFK minutes and that time is deducted from your overall flight time (you effectively lose it). Your AFK activated at 14:53 and you are only showing 18 minutes of AFK so it's not all bad but you'll need to work out a way of managing it if it doesn't pop up in the VR headset. We are actually going to do away with it in the near future when we move to a more stable tracker so bear with us in the meantime.

Please report any inappropriate comments to a member of staff.

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