Here is some general data for this flight report.
Flight | UNI1158 |
Member | Brian Levy |
Date | 27th September 2017 |
Aircraft | Boeing 737 Family |
Flight Time | 01:29:46 |
Landing Rate | -103 |
Network | UKV Server |
Status | Accepted |
Here is some information about the route taken on this flight.
Departure | London Gatwick Airport (EGKK) |
Arrival | Innsbruck Airport (LOWI) |
Comments can be left on reports to provide feedback to members, or to describe the context of a flight.
Schedule number EZY8955 was available for this flight, please fly schedules where available and select the aircraft you wish to fly, before using charter mode. Thanks Ryan
Sorry... If you put LOWI into the search box and B737-800 only 4 flights comes up. None of them are EGKK - LOWI. If a scheduled flight would have come up I would have chosen it. This is the first charter flight I have ever done....
Please don't search by aircraft, they are there as the aircraft the airline uses for that schedule all you do is book the flight as normal and change the aircraft in the flight tracker to the aircraft you wish to fly.. Thanks Ryan
Aha... I didn't realise that. I have been searching for flights by entering the origin and the aircraft and then seeing what comes up. I specifically wanted to do EGKK to LOWI in the 737-800 because I have a chance to fly this in a full size simulator on Monday. I apologise for my error. As I said in my previous comment, I have never flown a charter before.... Kind regards, Brian
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Brian Levy (UNI1158)
Sorry... did not see AFK request at all. I suspect it came up when I was busy approaching LOWI. With VR headset there is no way I could abandon the approach to check for the AFK on this occasion :-) Have the opportunity to fly EGKK to LOWI on full size 737-800 sim on Monday... Was getting in some practice.