Here is some general data for this flight report.
Flight | UKV01B |
Member | Kieran McHugh |
Date | 15th July 2012 |
Aircraft | Boeing 737-800 |
Flight Time | 1:03 |
Landing Rate | 0 |
Network | Unknown |
Status | Accepted |
Here is some information about the route taken on this flight.
Departure | Paris CDG Airport (LFPG) |
Arrival | Toulouse-Blagnac Airport (LFBO) |
Comments can be left on reports to provide feedback to members, or to describe the context of a flight.
Please report any inappropriate comments to a member of staff.
Kieran McHugh (UNI149)
See Flight #4289 for Jason's flight which was done at the same time as this. Forgot to file the flight but my landing rate was -253.