Here is some general data for this flight report.
Flight | DLH20Z |
Member | Nikoloas Koutsodontis |
Date | 28th January 2020 |
Aircraft | Airbus A320 |
Flight Time | 02:45:58 |
Landing Rate | -893 |
Network | Offline |
Status | Accepted |
Here is some information about the route taken on this flight.
Departure | Frankfurt International Airport (EDDF) |
Arrival | Istanbul Airport (LTFM) |
Comments can be left on reports to provide feedback to members, or to describe the context of a flight.
please do not reject the flight as I had no control of the landing at that stage due to that bug of the sim
Hi Nikoloas, please explain the exact nature of the bug, what affect it had on your landing. I've checked your sim stats and the evidence supports a stall on landing as the reason for the landing rate. 109kts on touchdown is 21kts below the min landing speed in a regular config so at that speed, you were almost certainly stalling, hence your 7deg pitch.
Hi Tony, So during the final approach the simulator started to become slower and slower as I was getting closer to the runway, any command on the aircraft was taking more time than usual such as the FADEC was not responding properly, I tried to rise my nose using but the side gave a huge and delayed input on the aircraft and thus the very hard landing. Everything was slower on responding that usual.
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Nikoloas Koutsodontis (UNI1658)
High landing rate caused by a bug of the system on a short final, probably caused caused by the add on scenery of istabul airport as the whole sim is bugging even on ground