Here is some general data for this flight report.
Flight | DRK400 |
Member | Ali UK virtual |
Date | 3rd June 2020 |
Aircraft | Airbus A319 |
Flight Time | 01:07:05 |
Landing Rate | -278 |
Network | Offline |
Status | Accepted |
Here is some information about the route taken on this flight.
Departure | Paro Airport (VQPR) |
Arrival | Tribhuvan International Airport (VNKT) |
Comments can be left on reports to provide feedback to members, or to describe the context of a flight.
Please report any inappropriate comments to a member of staff.
A detailed flight log is available from the UK virtual Flight Tracker. Click the button below to expand it.
Expand Flight LogShow a more detailed log.
Time | Event |
13:59 | Airbus A319 DRUKAIR |
13:59 | Flight DRK400 is ready to depart VQPR with a final destination of VNKT. |
13:59 | Parking Brake Applied |
13:59 | Boarding |
13:59 | ADF1 - 284.0 |
13:59 | ADF2 - 240.0 |
13:59 | NAV1 - 113.70 |
13:59 | COM1 - 128.30 |
13:59 | COM2 - 127.80 |
13:59 | Transponder - 1200 |
14:02 | Parking Brake Released |
14:02 | Pushing Back from the gate |
14:03 | Engine 2 Started |
14:04 | Engine 1 Started |
14:04 | Engine 1 Stopped |
14:04 | Engine 1 Started |
14:04 | Transponder - 2000 |
14:04 | Parking Brake Applied |
14:05 | Flaps to position 1 |
14:05 | Flaps to position 2 |
14:05 | Flaps to position 1 |
14:05 | Flaps to position 2 |
14:05 | Flaps to position 1 |
14:05 | Flaps to position 2 |
14:05 | Flaps to position 1 |
14:05 | Flaps to position 2 |
14:05 | Flaps to position 1 |
14:05 | Flaps to position 2 |
14:05 | Flaps to position 1 |
14:05 | Flaps to position 2 |
14:05 | Flaps to position 1 |
14:05 | Flaps to position 2 |
14:05 | Flaps to position 1 |
14:05 | Flaps to position 2 |
14:05 | Flaps to position 1 |
14:05 | Flaps to position 2 |
14:05 | Flaps to position 1 |
14:05 | Flaps to position 2 |
14:05 | Flaps to position 1 |
14:05 | Flaps to position 2 |
14:05 | Flaps to position 1 |
14:05 | Flaps to position 2 |
14:05 | Flaps to position 1 |
14:05 | Flaps to position 2 |
14:05 | Flaps to position 1 |
14:05 | Flaps to position 2 |
14:05 | Flaps to position 1 |
14:05 | Flaps to position 2 |
14:05 | Flaps to position 1 |
14:05 | Flaps to position 2 |
14:05 | Flaps to position 1 |
14:05 | Flaps to position 2 |
14:05 | Flaps to position 1 |
14:05 | Flaps to position 2 |
14:05 | Flaps to position 1 |
14:05 | Flaps to position 2 |
14:05 | Flaps to position 1 |
14:05 | Flaps to position 2 |
14:05 | Flaps to position 1 |
14:05 | Flaps to position 2 |
14:05 | Flaps to position 1 |
14:05 | Flaps to position 2 |
14:05 | Flaps to position 1 |
14:05 | Flaps to position 2 |
14:05 | Flaps to position 1 |
14:05 | Parking Brake Released |
14:05 | Flaps to position 2 |
14:05 | Flaps to position 1 |
14:05 | Flaps to position 2 |
14:05 | Flaps to position 1 |
14:05 | Flaps to position 2 |
14:06 | Flaps to position 1 |
14:06 | Flaps to position 2 |
14:06 | Flaps to position 1 |
14:06 | Flaps to position 2 |
14:06 | Flaps to position 1 |
14:06 | Flaps to position 2 |
14:06 | Flaps to position 1 |
14:06 | Flaps to position 2 |
14:06 | Flaps to position 1 |
14:06 | Flaps to position 2 |
14:06 | Flaps to position 1 |
14:06 | Flaps to position 2 |
14:06 | Flaps to position 1 |
14:06 | Flaps to position 2 |
14:06 | Flaps to position 1 |
14:06 | Flaps to position 2 |
14:06 | Flaps to position 1 |
14:06 | Flaps to position 2 |
14:06 | Flaps to position 1 |
14:06 | Flaps to position 2 |
14:06 | Flaps to position 1 |
14:06 | Flaps to position 2 |
14:06 | Flaps to position 1 |
14:06 | Flaps to position 2 |
14:06 | Flaps to position 1 |
14:06 | Flaps to position 2 |
14:06 | Flaps to position 1 |
14:06 | Flaps to position 2 |
14:06 | Flaps to position 1 |
14:06 | Flaps to position 2 |
14:06 | Flaps to position 1 |
14:06 | Flaps to position 2 |
14:06 | Flaps to position 1 |
14:06 | Flaps to position 2 |
14:06 | Flaps to position 1 |
14:06 | Flaps to position 2 |
14:06 | Flaps to position 1 |
14:06 | Flaps to position 2 |
14:06 | Flaps to position 1 |
14:06 | Flaps to position 2 |
14:06 | Flaps to position 1 |
14:06 | Flaps to position 2 |
14:06 | Flaps to position 1 |
14:06 | Flaps to position 2 |
14:06 | Flaps to position 1 |
14:06 | Flaps to position 2 |
14:06 | Flaps to position 1 |
14:06 | Flaps to position 2 |
14:06 | Flaps to position 1 |
14:06 | Flaps to position 2 |
14:06 | Flaps to position 1 |
14:06 | Flaps to position 2 |
14:06 | Flaps to position 1 |
14:06 | Landing Lights ON 13AGL |
14:06 | Flaps to position 2 |
14:06 | Flaps to position 1 |
14:06 | Flaps to position 2 |
14:06 | Flaps to position 1 |
14:06 | Flaps to position 2 |
14:06 | Flaps to position 1 |
14:06 | Strobe Lights ON 13AGL |
14:06 | Flaps to position 2 |
14:06 | Flaps to position 1 |
14:06 | Flaps to position 2 |
14:06 | Flaps to position 1 |
14:06 | Flaps to position 2 |
14:06 | Flaps to position 1 |
14:06 | Flaps to position 2 |
14:06 | Flaps to position 1 |
14:06 | Flaps to position 2 |
14:06 | Flaps to position 1 |
14:06 | Flaps to position 2 |
14:06 | Flaps to position 1 |
14:06 | Flaps to position 2 |
14:06 | Flaps to position 1 |
14:06 | Flaps to position 2 |
14:06 | Flaps to position 1 |
14:06 | Flaps to position 2 |
14:06 | Flaps to position 1 |
14:06 | Flaps to position 2 |
14:06 | Flaps to position 1 |
14:06 | Flaps to position 2 |
14:06 | Flaps to position 1 |
14:06 | Flaps to position 2 |
14:06 | Flaps to position 1 |
14:06 | Flaps to position 2 |
14:06 | Flaps to position 1 |
14:06 | Flaps to position 2 |
14:06 | Flaps to position 1 |
14:06 | Flaps to position 2 |
14:06 | Flaps to position 1 |
14:06 | Flaps to position 2 |
14:06 | Flaps to position 1 |
14:06 | Flaps to position 2 |
14:06 | Flaps to position 1 |
14:06 | Flaps to position 2 |
14:06 | Flaps to position 1 |
14:07 | Flaps to position 2 |
14:07 | Flaps to position 1 |
14:07 | Flaps to position 2 |
14:07 | Flaps to position 1 |
14:07 | Flaps to position 2 |
14:07 | Flaps to position 1 |
14:07 | Flaps to position 2 |
14:07 | Flaps to position 1 |
14:07 | Flaps to position 2 |
14:07 | Flaps to position 1 |
14:07 | Flaps to position 2 |
14:07 | Flaps to position 1 |
14:07 | Flaps to position 2 |
14:07 | Flaps to position 1 |
14:07 | Flaps to position 2 |
14:07 | Flaps to position 1 |
14:07 | Flaps to position 2 |
14:07 | Flaps to position 1 |
14:07 | Flaps to position 2 |
14:07 | Taxiing to Runway |
14:07 | Flaps to position 1 |
14:07 | Flaps to position 2 |
14:07 | Flaps to position 1 |
14:07 | Flaps to position 2 |
14:07 | Flaps to position 1 |
14:07 | Flaps to position 2 |
14:07 | Flaps to position 1 |
14:07 | Flaps to position 2 |
14:07 | Flaps to position 1 |
14:07 | Flaps to position 2 |
14:07 | Flaps to position 1 |
14:07 | Flaps to position 2 |
14:07 | Flaps to position 1 |
14:07 | Flaps to position 2 |
14:07 | Flaps to position 1 |
14:07 | Flaps to position 2 |
14:07 | Flaps to position 1 |
14:07 | Flaps to position 2 |
14:07 | Flaps to position 1 |
14:07 | Flaps to position 2 |
14:07 | Flaps to position 1 |
14:07 | Flaps to position 2 |
14:07 | Flaps to position 1 |
14:07 | Flaps to position 2 |
14:07 | Flaps to position 1 |
14:07 | Flaps to position 2 |
14:08 | Flaps to position 1 |
14:08 | Flaps to position 2 |
14:08 | Flaps to position 1 |
14:08 | Flaps to position 2 |
14:08 | Flaps to position 1 |
14:08 | Flaps to position 2 |
14:08 | Flaps to position 1 |
14:08 | Flaps to position 2 |
14:08 | Flaps to position 1 |
14:08 | Flaps to position 2 |
14:08 | Flaps to position 1 |
14:08 | Flaps to position 2 |
14:08 | Flaps to position 1 |
14:08 | Flaps to position 2 |
14:08 | Flaps to position 1 |
14:08 | Flaps to position 2 |
14:08 | Flaps to position 1 |
14:08 | Flaps to position 2 |
14:08 | Flaps to position 1 |
14:08 | Flaps to position 2 |
14:08 | Flaps to position 1 |
14:08 | Flaps to position 2 |
14:08 | Flaps to position 1 |
14:08 | Flaps to position 2 |
14:08 | Flaps to position 1 |
14:08 | Flaps to position 2 |
14:08 | Flaps to position 1 |
14:08 | Flaps to position 2 |
14:08 | Flaps to position 1 |
14:08 | Flaps to position 2 |
14:08 | Flaps to position 1 |
14:08 | Flaps to position 2 |
14:08 | Flaps to position 1 |
14:08 | Flaps to position 2 |
14:08 | Flaps to position 1 |
14:08 | Flaps to position 2 |
14:08 | Flaps to position 1 |
14:08 | Flaps to position 2 |
14:08 | Flaps to position 1 |
14:08 | Flaps to position 2 |
14:08 | Flaps to position 1 |
14:08 | Flaps to position 2 |
14:08 | Flaps to position 1 |
14:08 | Flaps to position 2 |
14:08 | Flaps to position 1 |
14:08 | Flaps to position 2 |
14:08 | Flaps to position 1 |
14:08 | Flaps to position 2 |
14:08 | Flaps to position 1 |
14:08 | Flaps to position 2 |
14:08 | Flaps to position 1 |
14:08 | Flaps to position 2 |
14:08 | Flaps to position 1 |
14:08 | Flaps to position 2 |
14:08 | Flaps to position 1 |
14:08 | Flaps to position 2 |
14:08 | Flaps to position 1 |
14:08 | Flaps to position 2 |
14:08 | Flaps to position 1 |
14:08 | Flaps to position 2 |
14:08 | Flaps to position 1 |
14:08 | Flaps to position 2 |
14:08 | Flaps to position 1 |
14:08 | Flaps to position 2 |
14:08 | Flaps to position 1 |
14:08 | Flaps to position 2 |
14:08 | Flaps to position 1 |
14:08 | Flaps to position 2 |
14:08 | Flaps to position 1 |
14:08 | Flaps to position 2 |
14:08 | Flaps to position 1 |
14:08 | Flaps to position 2 |
14:08 | Flaps to position 1 |
14:08 | Flaps to position 2 |
14:08 | Flaps to position 1 |
14:08 | Flaps to position 2 |
14:08 | Flaps to position 1 |
14:08 | Flaps to position 2 |
14:08 | Flaps to position 1 |
14:08 | Flaps to position 2 |
14:08 | Flaps to position 1 |
14:08 | Flaps to position 2 |
14:08 | Flaps to position 1 |
14:08 | Flaps to position 2 |
14:08 | Flaps to position 1 |
14:08 | Flaps to position 2 |
14:08 | Flaps to position 1 |
14:08 | Flaps to position 2 |
14:08 | Flaps to position 1 |
14:08 | Flaps to position 2 |
14:08 | Flaps to position 1 |
14:08 | Flaps to position 2 |
14:09 | Flaps to position 1 |
14:09 | Flaps to position 2 |
14:09 | Taking Off with 156 passengers on board |
14:09 | Flaps to position 1 |
14:09 | Flaps to position 2 |
14:09 | Flaps to position 1 |
14:09 | Flaps to position 2 |
14:09 | Flaps to position 1 |
14:09 | Flaps to position 2 |
14:09 | Flaps to position 1 |
14:09 | Flaps to position 2 |
14:09 | Flaps to position 1 |
14:09 | Flaps to position 2 |
14:09 | Flaps to position 1 |
14:09 | Flaps to position 2 |
14:09 | Flaps to position 1 |
14:09 | Flaps to position 2 |
14:09 | Flaps to position 1 |
14:09 | Flaps to position 2 |
14:09 | Flaps to position 1 |
14:09 | Flaps to position 2 |
14:09 | Flaps to position 1 |
14:09 | Flaps to position 2 |
14:09 | Flaps to position 1 |
14:09 | Flaps to position 2 |
14:09 | Flaps to position 1 |
14:09 | Flaps to position 2 |
14:09 | Flaps to position 1 |
14:09 | Flaps to position 2 |
14:09 | Flaps to position 1 |
14:09 | Flaps to position 2 |
14:09 | Flaps to position 1 |
14:09 | Flaps to position 2 |
14:09 | Flaps to position 1 |
14:09 | Flaps to position 2 |
14:09 | Flaps to position 1 |
14:09 | Flaps to position 2 |
14:09 | Flaps to position 1 |
14:09 | Flaps to position 2 |
14:09 | Flaps to position 1 |
14:09 | Flaps to position 2 |
14:09 | Flaps to position 1 |
14:09 | Flaps to position 2 |
14:09 | Flaps to position 1 |
14:09 | Flaps to position 2 |
14:09 | Flaps to position 1 |
14:09 | Flaps to position 2 |
14:09 | Flaps to position 1 |
14:09 | Flaps to position 2 |
14:09 | Flaps to position 1 |
14:09 | Flaps to position 2 |
14:09 | Flaps to position 1 |
14:09 | Flaps to position 2 |
14:09 | Flaps to position 1 |
14:09 | Flaps to position 2 |
14:09 | Flaps to position 1 |
14:09 | Flaps to position 2 |
14:09 | Flaps to position 1 |
14:09 | Flaps to position 2 |
14:09 | Flaps to position 1 |
14:09 | Flaps to position 2 |
14:09 | Flaps to position 1 |
14:09 | Flaps to position 2 |
14:09 | Flaps to position 1 |
14:09 | Flaps to position 2 |
14:09 | Flaps to position 1 |
14:09 | Flaps to position 2 |
14:09 | Flaps to position 1 |
14:09 | Flaps to position 2 |
14:09 | Flaps to position 1 |
14:09 | Flaps to position 2 |
14:09 | Flaps to position 1 |
14:09 | Flaps to position 2 |
14:09 | Flaps to position 1 |
14:09 | Flaps to position 2 |
14:09 | Flaps to position 1 |
14:09 | Take off at 170kts, with a pitch of 10deg and 6824kgs of fuel on board |
14:09 | Wind Heading 0 | Wind Speed 0kts | Temperature 0 deg C |
14:09 | Flaps to position 2 at 7362ft and 170kts |
14:09 | Flaps to position 1 at 7362ft and 170kts |
14:09 | Flaps to position 2 at 7362ft and 170kts |
14:09 | Flaps to position 1 at 7369ft and 170kts |
14:09 | Flaps to position 2 at 7372ft and 170kts |
14:09 | Flaps to position 1 at 7388ft and 170kts |
14:09 | Flaps to position 2 at 7392ft and 170kts |
14:09 | Flaps to position 1 at 7395ft and 170kts |
14:09 | Flaps to position 2 at 7402ft and 170kts |
14:09 | Flaps to position 1 at 7418ft and 169kts |
14:09 | Flaps to position 2 at 7428ft and 169kts |
14:09 | Flaps to position 1 at 7434ft and 169kts |
14:09 | Flaps to position 2 at 7464ft and 169kts |
14:09 | Flaps to position 1 at 7477ft and 168kts |
14:09 | Flaps to position 2 at 7516ft and 168kts |
14:09 | Flaps to position 1 at 7526ft and 168kts |
14:09 | Flaps to position 2 at 7579ft and 167kts |
14:09 | Flaps to position 1 at 7595ft and 166kts |
14:09 | Flaps to position 2 at 7615ft and 166kts |
14:09 | Flaps to position 1 at 7625ft and 166kts |
14:09 | Flaps to position 2 at 7635ft and 166kts |
14:09 | Flaps to position 1 at 7641ft and 166kts |
14:09 | Flaps to position 2 at 7651ft and 165kts |
14:09 | Flaps to position 1 at 7671ft and 165kts |
14:09 | Flaps to position 2 at 7707ft and 164kts |
14:09 | Flaps to position 1 at 7717ft and 164kts |
14:09 | Flaps to position 2 at 7726ft and 164kts |
14:09 | Flaps to position 1 at 7746ft and 164kts |
14:09 | Flaps to position 2 at 7789ft and 163kts |
14:09 | Flaps to position 1 at 7799ft and 163kts |
14:09 | Flaps to position 2 at 7818ft and 163kts |
14:09 | Climbing to TOC |
14:09 | Flaps to position 1 at 7825ft and 163kts |
14:09 | Flaps to position 2 at 7835ft and 163kts |
14:09 | Flaps to position 1 at 7841ft and 163kts |
14:09 | Flaps to position 2 at 7861ft and 163kts |
14:09 | Flaps to position 1 at 7867ft and 163kts |
14:09 | Flaps to position 2 at 7874ft and 163kts |
14:09 | Flaps to position 1 at 7907ft and 163kts |
14:09 | Flaps to position 2 at 7920ft and 163kts |
14:09 | Flaps to position 1 at 7930ft and 163kts |
14:09 | Flaps to position 2 at 7936ft and 163kts |
14:09 | Flaps to position 1 at 7943ft and 163kts |
14:09 | Flaps to position 2 at 7956ft and 163kts |
14:09 | Flaps to position 1 at 7963ft and 163kts |
14:09 | Flaps to position 2 at 7976ft and 164kts |
14:09 | Flaps to position 1 at 7982ft and 164kts |
14:09 | Flaps to position 2 at 7989ft and 164kts |
14:09 | Flaps to position 1 at 8009ft and 164kts |
14:09 | Flaps to position 2 at 8015ft and 164kts |
14:09 | Flaps to position 1 at 8022ft and 164kts |
14:09 | Flaps to position 2 at 8041ft and 164kts |
14:09 | Flaps to position 1 at 8054ft and 164kts |
14:09 | Flaps to position 2 at 8084ft and 165kts |
14:09 | Flaps to position 1 at 8097ft and 165kts |
14:09 | Flaps to position 2 at 8146ft and 166kts |
14:09 | Flaps to position 1 at 8153ft and 166kts |
14:09 | Flaps to position 2 at 8163ft and 166kts |
14:09 | Flaps to position 1 at 8169ft and 167kts |
14:09 | Flaps to position 2 at 8189ft and 167kts |
14:09 | Flaps to position 1 at 8212ft and 168kts |
14:09 | Flaps to position 2 at 8225ft and 168kts |
14:09 | Flaps to position 1 at 8232ft and 168kts |
14:09 | Flaps to position 2 at 8235ft and 168kts |
14:09 | Flaps to position 1 at 8241ft and 168kts |
14:09 | Flaps to position 2 at 8248ft and 168kts |
14:09 | Flaps to position 1 at 8255ft and 168kts |
14:09 | Flaps to position 2 at 8268ft and 169kts |
14:09 | Flaps to position 1 at 8274ft and 169kts |
14:09 | Flaps to position 2 at 8284ft and 169kts |
14:09 | Flaps to position 1 at 8297ft and 169kts |
14:09 | Flaps to position 2 at 8323ft and 170kts |
14:09 | Flaps to position 1 at 8330ft and 170kts |
14:10 | Flaps to position 2 at 8337ft and 170kts |
14:10 | Flaps to position 1 at 8343ft and 170kts |
14:10 | Flaps to position 2 at 8350ft and 171kts |
14:10 | Gear up at 630AGL |
14:10 | Flaps to position 1 at 8363ft and 171kts |
14:10 | Flaps to position 2 at 8396ft and 172kts |
14:10 | Flaps to position 1 at 8402ft and 172kts |
14:10 | Flaps to position 2 at 8415ft and 172kts |
14:10 | Flaps to position 1 at 8428ft and 172kts |
14:10 | Flaps to position 2 at 8435ft and 172kts |
14:10 | Flaps to position 1 at 8442ft and 173kts |
14:10 | Flaps to position 2 at 8455ft and 173kts |
14:10 | Flaps to position 1 at 8461ft and 173kts |
14:10 | Flaps to position 2 at 8504ft and 174kts |
14:10 | Flaps to position 1 at 8514ft and 174kts |
14:10 | Flaps to position 2 at 8543ft and 174kts |
14:10 | Flaps to position 1 at 8570ft and 175kts |
14:10 | Flaps to position 2 at 8586ft and 175kts |
14:10 | Flaps to position 1 at 8593ft and 175kts |
14:10 | Flaps to position 2 at 8638ft and 176kts |
14:10 | Flaps to position 1 at 8645ft and 176kts |
14:10 | Flaps to position 2 at 8661ft and 176kts |
14:10 | Flaps to position 1 at 8678ft and 176kts |
14:10 | Flaps to position 2 at 8707ft and 177kts |
14:10 | Flaps to position 1 at 8717ft and 177kts |
14:10 | Flaps to position 2 at 8724ft and 177kts |
14:10 | Flaps to position 1 at 8734ft and 177kts |
14:10 | Flaps to position 2 at 8789ft and 177kts |
14:10 | Flaps to position 1 at 8796ft and 178kts |
14:10 | Flaps to position 2 at 8845ft and 178kts |
14:10 | Flaps to position 1 at 8862ft and 178kts |
14:10 | Flaps to position 2 at 8878ft and 178kts |
14:10 | Flaps to position 1 at 8888ft and 178kts |
14:10 | Flaps to position 2 at 8914ft and 179kts |
14:10 | Flaps to position 1 at 8921ft and 179kts |
14:10 | Flaps to position 2 at 8930ft and 179kts |
14:10 | Flaps to position 1 at 8937ft and 179kts |
14:10 | Flaps to position 2 at 8953ft and 179kts |
14:10 | Flaps to position 1 at 8980ft and 179kts |
14:10 | Flaps to position 2 at 8986ft and 180kts |
14:10 | Flaps to position 1 at 8996ft and 180kts |
14:10 | Flaps to position 2 at 9003ft and 180kts |
14:10 | Flaps to position 1 at 9012ft and 180kts |
14:10 | Flaps to position 2 at 9029ft and 180kts |
14:10 | Flaps to position 1 at 9045ft and 180kts |
14:10 | Flaps to position 2 at 9052ft and 180kts |
14:10 | Flaps to position 1 at 9058ft and 180kts |
14:10 | Flaps to position 2 at 9068ft and 180kts |
14:10 | Flaps to position 1 at 9075ft and 181kts |
14:10 | Flaps to position 2 at 9085ft and 181kts |
14:10 | Flaps to position 1 at 9091ft and 181kts |
14:10 | Flaps to position 2 at 9167ft and 183kts |
14:10 | Flaps to position 1 at 9177ft and 183kts |
14:10 | Flaps to position 2 at 9183ft and 183kts |
14:10 | Flaps to position 1 at 9190ft and 183kts |
14:10 | Flaps to position 2 at 9196ft and 183kts |
14:10 | Flaps to position 1 at 9203ft and 183kts |
14:10 | Flaps to position 2 at 9226ft and 184kts |
14:10 | Flaps to position 1 at 9232ft and 184kts |
14:10 | Flaps to position 2 at 9239ft and 184kts |
14:10 | Flaps to position 1 at 9259ft and 185kts |
14:10 | Flaps to position 2 at 9275ft and 185kts |
14:10 | Flaps to position 1 at 9288ft and 185kts |
14:10 | Flaps to position 2 at 9308ft and 186kts |
14:10 | Flaps to position 1 at 9321ft and 186kts |
14:10 | Flaps to position 2 at 9347ft and 187kts |
14:10 | Flaps to position 1 at 9364ft and 187kts |
14:10 | Flaps to position 2 at 9370ft and 187kts |
14:10 | Flaps to position 1 at 9383ft and 187kts |
14:10 | Flaps to position 2 at 9409ft and 188kts |
14:10 | Flaps to position 1 at 9423ft and 188kts |
14:10 | Flaps to position 2 at 9436ft and 189kts |
14:10 | Flaps to position 1 at 9452ft and 189kts |
14:10 | Flaps to position 2 at 9465ft and 189kts |
14:10 | Flaps to position 1 at 9472ft and 190kts |
14:10 | Flaps to position 2 at 9485ft and 190kts |
14:10 | Flaps to position 1 at 9491ft and 190kts |
14:10 | Flaps to position 2 at 9498ft and 190kts |
14:10 | Flaps to position 1 at 9505ft and 190kts |
14:10 | Flaps to position 2 at 9518ft and 191kts |
14:10 | Flaps to position 1 at 9528ft and 191kts |
14:10 | Flaps to position 2 at 9534ft and 191kts |
14:10 | Flaps to position 1 at 9541ft and 191kts |
14:10 | Flaps to position 2 at 9560ft and 192kts |
14:10 | Flaps to position 1 at 9570ft and 192kts |
14:10 | Flaps to position 2 at 9590ft and 192kts |
14:10 | Flaps to position 1 at 9600ft and 192kts |
14:10 | Flaps to position 2 at 9613ft and 193kts |
14:10 | Flaps to position 1 at 9629ft and 193kts |
14:10 | Flaps to position 2 at 9636ft and 193kts |
14:10 | Flaps to position 1 at 9642ft and 193kts |
14:10 | Flaps to position 2 at 9652ft and 193kts |
14:10 | Flaps to position 1 at 9659ft and 193kts |
14:10 | Flaps to position 2 at 9692ft and 194kts |
14:10 | Flaps to position 1 at 9708ft and 194kts |
14:10 | Flaps to position 2 at 9757ft and 194kts |
14:10 | Flaps to position 1 at 9774ft and 194kts |
14:10 | Flaps to position 2 at 9790ft and 194kts |
14:10 | Flaps to position 1 at 9810ft and 194kts |
14:10 | Flaps to position 2 at 9826ft and 195kts |
14:10 | Flaps to position 1 at 9836ft and 195kts |
14:10 | Flaps to position 2 at 9865ft and 195kts |
14:10 | Flaps to position 1 at 9895ft and 195kts |
14:10 | Flaps to position 2 at 9974ft and 194kts |
14:10 | Flaps to position 1 at 9987ft and 194kts |
14:10 | Flaps to position 2 at 10059ft and 194kts |
14:10 | Flaps to position 1 at 10092ft and 194kts |
14:10 | Flaps to position 2 at 10115ft and 194kts |
14:10 | Flaps to position 1 at 10138ft and 194kts |
14:10 | Flaps to position 2 at 10194ft and 193kts |
14:10 | Flaps to position 1 at 10213ft and 193kts |
14:10 | Flaps to position 2 at 10230ft and 193kts |
14:10 | Flaps to position 1 at 10236ft and 193kts |
14:10 | Flaps to position 2 at 10302ft and 193kts |
14:10 | Flaps to position 1 at 10315ft and 193kts |
14:10 | Flaps to position 2 at 10338ft and 193kts |
14:10 | Flaps to position 1 at 10348ft and 192kts |
14:10 | Flaps to position 2 at 10381ft and 192kts |
14:10 | Flaps to position 1 at 10394ft and 192kts |
14:10 | Flaps to position 2 at 10404ft and 192kts |
14:10 | Flaps to position 1 at 10413ft and 192kts |
14:10 | Flaps to position 2 at 10446ft and 192kts |
14:10 | Flaps to position 1 at 10469ft and 192kts |
14:10 | Flaps to position 2 at 10512ft and 192kts |
14:10 | Flaps to position 1 at 10558ft and 192kts |
14:10 | Flaps to position 2 at 10568ft and 192kts |
14:10 | Flaps to position 1 at 10587ft and 192kts |
14:10 | Flaps to position 2 at 10610ft and 193kts |
14:10 | Flaps to position 1 at 10620ft and 193kts |
14:10 | Flaps to position 2 at 10663ft and 193kts |
14:10 | Flaps to position 1 at 10686ft and 193kts |
14:10 | Flaps to position 2 at 10696ft and 194kts |
14:10 | Flaps to position 1 at 10709ft and 194kts |
14:10 | Flaps to position 2 at 10719ft and 194kts |
14:10 | Flaps to position 1 at 10751ft and 194kts |
14:10 | Flaps to position 2 at 10761ft and 195kts |
14:10 | Flaps to position 1 at 10771ft and 195kts |
14:10 | Flaps to position 2 at 10817ft and 196kts |
14:10 | Flaps to position 1 at 10837ft and 196kts |
14:10 | Flaps to position 2 at 10846ft and 196kts |
14:11 | Flaps to position 1 at 10856ft and 196kts |
14:11 | Flaps to position 2 at 10899ft and 197kts |
14:11 | Flaps to position 1 at 10909ft and 197kts |
14:11 | Flaps to position 2 at 10942ft and 198kts |
14:11 | Flaps to position 1 at 10951ft and 198kts |
14:11 | Flaps to position 2 at 10961ft and 198kts |
14:11 | Flaps to position 1 at 10971ft and 198kts |
14:11 | Flaps to position 2 at 10994ft and 198kts |
14:11 | Flaps to position 1 at 11014ft and 199kts |
14:11 | Flaps to position 2 at 11056ft and 199kts |
14:11 | Flaps to position 1 at 11066ft and 200kts |
14:11 | Flaps to position 2 at 11089ft and 200kts |
14:11 | Flaps to position 1 at 11099ft and 200kts |
14:11 | Flaps to position 2 at 11109ft and 200kts |
14:11 | Flaps to position 1 at 11122ft and 200kts |
14:11 | Flaps to position 2 at 11132ft and 200kts |
14:11 | Flaps to position 1 at 11142ft and 200kts |
14:11 | Flaps to position 2 at 11165ft and 200kts |
14:11 | Flaps to position 1 at 11175ft and 200kts |
14:11 | Flaps to position 2 at 11184ft and 200kts |
14:11 | Flaps to position 1 at 11207ft and 200kts |
14:11 | Flaps to position 2 at 11220ft and 200kts |
14:11 | Flaps to position 1 at 11230ft and 200kts |
14:11 | Flaps to position 2 at 11250ft and 200kts |
14:11 | Flaps to position 1 at 11273ft and 200kts |
14:11 | Flaps to position 2 at 11283ft and 200kts |
14:11 | Flaps to position 1 at 11293ft and 200kts |
14:11 | Flaps to position 2 at 11348ft and 200kts |
14:11 | Flaps to position 1 at 11358ft and 199kts |
14:11 | Flaps to position 2 at 11368ft and 199kts |
14:11 | Flaps to position 1 at 11391ft and 199kts |
14:11 | Flaps to position 2 at 11414ft and 199kts |
14:11 | Flaps to position 1 at 11434ft and 199kts |
14:11 | Flaps to position 2 at 11453ft and 199kts |
14:11 | Flaps to position 1 at 11467ft and 199kts |
14:11 | Flaps to position 2 at 11496ft and 199kts |
14:11 | Flaps to position 1 at 11506ft and 199kts |
14:11 | Flaps to position 2 at 11578ft and 199kts |
14:11 | Flaps to position 1 at 11588ft and 199kts |
14:11 | Flaps to position 2 at 11598ft and 199kts |
14:11 | Flaps to position 1 at 11608ft and 199kts |
14:11 | Flaps to position 2 at 11617ft and 199kts |
14:11 | Flaps to position 1 at 11627ft and 199kts |
14:11 | Flaps to position 2 at 11713ft and 200kts |
14:11 | Flaps to position 1 at 11722ft and 200kts |
14:11 | Flaps to position 2 at 11732ft and 200kts |
14:11 | Flaps to position 1 at 11742ft and 200kts |
14:11 | Flaps to position 2 at 11752ft and 200kts |
14:11 | Flaps to position 1 at 11768ft and 200kts |
14:11 | Flaps to position 2 at 11788ft and 200kts |
14:11 | Flaps to position 1 at 11824ft and 200kts |
14:11 | Flaps to position 2 at 11841ft and 200kts |
14:11 | Flaps to position 1 at 11850ft and 200kts |
14:11 | Flaps to position 2 at 11860ft and 200kts |
14:11 | Flaps to position 1 at 11870ft and 200kts |
14:11 | Flaps to position 2 at 11877ft and 200kts |
14:11 | Flaps to position 1 at 11913ft and 201kts |
14:11 | Flaps to position 2 at 11939ft and 201kts |
14:11 | Flaps to position 1 at 11949ft and 201kts |
14:11 | Flaps to position 2 at 11972ft and 201kts |
14:11 | Flaps to position 1 at 12014ft and 201kts |
14:11 | Flaps to position 2 at 12024ft and 201kts |
14:11 | Flaps to position 1 at 12057ft and 201kts |
14:11 | Flaps to position 2 at 12067ft and 201kts |
14:11 | Flaps to position 1 at 12090ft and 202kts |
14:11 | Flaps to position 2 at 12100ft and 202kts |
14:11 | Flaps to position 1 at 12123ft and 202kts |
14:11 | Flaps to position 2 at 12139ft and 202kts |
14:11 | Flaps to position 1 at 12178ft and 203kts |
14:11 | Flaps to position 2 at 12188ft and 203kts |
14:11 | Flaps to position 1 at 12205ft and 203kts |
14:11 | Flaps to position 2 at 12211ft and 203kts |
14:11 | Flaps to position 1 at 12218ft and 203kts |
14:11 | Flaps to position 2 at 12228ft and 204kts |
14:11 | Flaps to position 1 at 12234ft and 204kts |
14:11 | Flaps to position 2 at 12241ft and 204kts |
14:11 | Flaps to position 1 at 12251ft and 204kts |
14:11 | Flaps to position 2 at 12264ft and 204kts |
14:11 | Flaps to position 1 at 12293ft and 205kts |
14:11 | Flaps to position 2 at 12300ft and 205kts |
14:11 | Flaps to position 1 at 12313ft and 206kts |
14:11 | Flaps to position 2 at 12333ft and 206kts |
14:11 | Flaps to position 1 at 12343ft and 206kts |
14:11 | Flaps to position 2 at 12349ft and 206kts |
14:11 | Flaps to position 1 at 12352ft and 207kts |
14:11 | Flaps to position 2 at 12362ft and 207kts |
14:11 | Flaps to position 1 at 12365ft and 207kts |
14:11 | Flaps to position 2 at 12379ft and 208kts |
14:11 | Flaps to position 1 at 12392ft and 208kts |
14:11 | Flaps to position 2 at 12398ft and 208kts |
14:11 | Flaps to position 1 at 12415ft and 209kts |
14:11 | Flaps to position 2 at 12421ft and 209kts |
14:11 | Flaps to position 1 at 12428ft and 209kts |
14:11 | Flaps to position 2 at 12431ft and 210kts |
14:11 | Flaps to position 1 at 12464ft and 211kts |
14:11 | Flaps to position 2 at 12500ft and 213kts |
14:11 | Flaps to position 1 at 12520ft and 215kts |
14:11 | Flaps to position 2 at 12523ft and 215kts |
14:11 | Landing Lights OFF 1562AGL |
14:11 | Flaps to position 1 at 12533ft and 215kts |
14:11 | Flaps to position 2 at 12546ft and 216kts |
14:11 | Flaps to position 1 at 12572ft and 219kts |
14:11 | Flaps to position 2 at 12589ft and 220kts |
14:11 | Flaps to position 1 at 12592ft and 220kts |
14:11 | Flaps to position 2 at 12602ft and 221kts |
14:11 | Flaps to position 1 at 12608ft and 222kts |
14:11 | Flaps to position 2 at 12628ft and 224kts |
14:11 | Flaps to position 1 at 12635ft and 225kts |
14:11 | Flaps to position 2 at 12641ft and 225kts |
14:11 | Flaps to position 1 at 12644ft and 226kts |
14:11 | Flaps to position 2 at 12648ft and 226kts |
14:11 | Flaps to position 1 at 12651ft and 227kts |
14:11 | Flaps to position 2 at 12654ft and 227kts |
14:11 | Flaps to position 1 at 12661ft and 228kts |
14:11 | Flaps to position 2 at 12664ft and 228kts |
14:11 | Flaps to position 1 at 12674ft and 230kts |
14:11 | Flaps to position 2 at 12677ft and 230kts |
14:11 | Flaps to position 1 at 12690ft and 232kts |
14:11 | Flaps to position 2 at 12694ft and 233kts |
14:11 | Flaps to position 1 at 12700ft and 234kts |
14:11 | Flaps to position 2 at 12703ft and 234kts |
14:11 | Flaps to position 1 at 12713ft and 235kts |
14:11 | Flaps to position 2 at 12717ft and 236kts |
14:11 | Flaps to position 1 at 12720ft and 236kts |
14:11 | Flaps to position 2 at 12723ft and 236kts |
14:11 | Flaps to position 1 at 12726ft and 237kts |
14:11 | Flaps to position 0 at 12743ft and 238kts |
14:31 | TOC reached |
14:31 | Cruise Level 38000 |
14:31 | Cruise started |
14:38 | TOD reached |
14:38 | Descending to destination |
14:55 | Landing Lights ON 8865AGL |
14:56 | Flaps to position 1 at 9347ft and 252kts |
14:57 | Landing Shortly |
14:57 | Flaps to position 2 at 8835ft and 210kts |
14:57 | Flaps to position 3 at 8832ft and 210kts |
14:57 | Flaps to position 4 at 8442ft and 166kts |
14:59 | Flaps to position 5 at 6978ft and 158kts |
15:00 | Gear down at 1496AGL |
15:03 | Landed at -278fpm. With 4716kgs of fuel onboard and a pitch angle of 7deg. |
15:03 | Landing Speed 132kts |
15:03 | Active Landing View Mode: Virtual Cockpit |
15:03 | Wind Heading 0 | Wind Speed 0kts | Temperature 6 deg C |
15:03 | Taxiing to Gate |
15:03 | Flaps to position 1 |
15:03 | Flaps to position 0 |
15:05 | Parking Brake Applied |
15:05 | Arrived safely at VNKT. We hope you enjoyed your flight! |
15:05 | Landing Lights OFF 14AGL |
15:05 | Engine 1 Stopped |
15:05 | Engine 2 Stopped |
15:06 | Airbus A319 DRUKAIR |
15:06 | AFK Attempts: 0 |
15:06 | AFK minutes: 0 |
15:06 | MaxSim Rate: 1x |
15:06 | UK virtual Flight Tracker ver: |