Here is some general data for this flight report.
Flight | MZN042 |
Member | Brian Levy |
Date | 1st February 2021 |
Aircraft | Boeing 737-800 |
Flight Time | 03:59 |
Landing Rate | -135 |
Network | Offline |
Status | Accepted |
Here is some information about the route taken on this flight.
Departure | Seattle Tacoma International Airport (KSEA) |
Arrival | Cincinnati Northern Kentucky International Airport (KCVG) |
A detailed flight log is available from the UK virtual Flight Tracker. Click the button below to expand it.
Expand Flight Log
Brian Levy (UNI1158)
I am sorry but for the next week I only have access to my ProSim 737 because my VR computer has been sent off for repair. This means that I will have to use the UKV livery (No ProSim livery available for Amazon although I have FedEx and DHL :()