Here is some general data for this flight report.
Flight | AAL1B |
Member | Simon Williams |
Date | 4th November 2012 |
Aircraft | Boeing 767 |
Flight Time | 0:35 |
Landing Rate | 0 |
Network | Unknown |
Status | Accepted |
Here is some information about the route taken on this flight.
Departure | Los Angeles International Airport (KLAX) |
Arrival | Las Vegas International Airport (KLAS) |
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Simon Williams (UNI101)
[18:14] - SkySpirit2010 - Boeing 767-323/ER American Airlines Oneworld [18:14] - Flight AAL1B is ready to depart KLAX with a final destination of KLAS. [18:14] - Parking Brake Applied [18:14] - Beacon Light ON [18:14] - Instrument Lights ON [18:14] - Boarding [18:14] - Logo Lights ON 13AGL [18:14] - Wing Lights ON 13AGL [18:14] - ADF1 - 284.0 [18:14] - ADF2 - 240.0 [18:14] - NAV1 - 113.70 [18:14] - NAV2 - 110.60 [18:14] - COM1 - 128.30 [18:14] - COM2 - 127.80 [18:14] - Transponder - 1200 [18:16] - Simulator Paused [18:16] - Simulator Un-Paused [18:16] - Simulator Paused [18:16] - Simulator Un-Paused [18:17] - COM1 - 120.35 [18:17] - Transponder - 0036 [18:17] - COM1 - 121.65 [18:18] - Parking Brake Released [18:18] - Flaps to position 1 [18:18] - Flaps to position 2 [18:18] - Engine 1 Started [18:19] - Engine 2 Started [18:20] - Parking Brake Applied [18:20] - Parking Brake Released [18:20] - Parking Brake Applied [18:21] - Parking Brake Released [18:21] - Parking Brake Applied [18:21] - Parking Brake Released [18:21] - Parking Brake Applied [18:22] - Parking Brake Released [18:22] - Taxiing to Runway [18:25] - COM1 - 120.95 [18:25] - Landing Lights ON 13AGL [18:25] - Strobe Lights ON 13AGL [18:25] - Taking Off with 342 passengers on board [18:26] - Take off at 200kts, with a pitch of 10deg and 64592kgs of fuel on board [18:26] - Wind Heading 0 | Wind Speed 0kts | Temperature 14 deg C [18:26] - Flaps to position 1 at 479ft and 233kts [18:26] - Climbing to TOC [18:26] - Gear up at 729AGL [18:26] - AutoPilot Engaged at 830AGL [18:26] - Flaps to position 0 at 1473ft and 259kts [18:27] - COM1 - 124.30 [18:36] - TOC reached [18:36] - Cruise started [18:38] - Landing Lights OFF 21984AGL [18:48] - TOD reached [18:48] - Descending to destination [18:54] - Landing Shortly [18:55] - Spoilers Armed at 3628feet AGL [18:55] - AutoPilot Disengaged at 0AGL [18:55] - Beacon Lights OFF 0AGL [18:55] - Strobe Lights OFF 0AGL [18:55] - Instrument Lights OFF 0AGL [18:55] - Wing Lights OFF 0AGL [18:55] - Logo Lights OFF 0AGL [18:55] - Engine 1 Stopped [18:55] - Engine 2 Stopped [18:55] - ADF1 - 0.0 [18:55] - ADF2 - 0.0 [18:55] - NAV1 - 100.00 [18:55] - NAV2 - 100.00 [18:55] - COM1 - 100.00 [18:55] - COM2 - 100.00 [18:55] - Transponder - 0000