Here is some general data for this flight report.
Flight | JAF59P |
Member | David Williamson |
Date | 28th June 2021 |
Aircraft | Embraer E-Jet Family |
Flight Time | 02:58 |
Landing Rate | -792 |
Network | VATSIM |
Status |
Rejected Please see the comments for more information. |
Here is some information about the route taken on this flight.
Departure | Brussels Airport (EBBR) |
Arrival | Athens International Airport (LGAV) |
Comments can be left on reports to provide feedback to members, or to describe the context of a flight.
Thanks Chris. How do I select the 738??
Hi David, book the flight as usual through the website, then go to the tracker. When you click fly, the pop up box comes up that asks for your cruise level. That also has a drop down menu to change the aircraft type you are flying. Hope that helps. Chris
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Chris UK virtual (UNI1011)
Sorry David, max landing rate for jets is -750fpm so its a reject I'm afraid. Also, can you make sure you select the correct aircraft for your flights, you've selected embraer e-jets but flew a 737-800.