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Report #65599

General Information

Here is some general data for this flight report.

Flight SAT63H
Member Brian Levy
Date 8th August 2021
Aircraft Airbus A320
Flight Time 01:40
Landing Rate -160
Network Offline
Status Accepted

Routing Information

Here is some information about the route taken on this flight.

Departure João Paulo II Airport (LPPD)
Arrival Madeira Airport (LPMA)

Report Comments

Comments can be left on reports to provide feedback to members, or to describe the context of a flight.

Chris UK virtual (UNI1011)

Flight Reports Director

Hi Brian, is there a reason for the stall on approach?

Brian Levy (UNI1158)

UK virtual Staff and Pilot of this Report

I am completely mystified... There was absolutely no stall on the approach. That was a text-book landing following a very accurate RNAV approach... I have absolutely no idea why the tracker recorded a stall... MSFS generating rubbish data????

Chris UK virtual (UNI1011)

Flight Reports Director

Thanks for the prompt response. The stall shows at 107kts, which is potential stall speed in an A320, and there is a drop of altitude before the stall was recovered. On this occasion, I will accept the PIREP as MSFS does have some issues with false positives for stalls, just obviously be careful of approach speeds in future. Thanks, Chris

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