Here is some general data for this flight report.
Flight | SAS69J |
Member | David Williamson |
Date | 26th December 2021 |
Aircraft | Airbus A320 |
Flight Time | 01:01 |
Landing Rate | Not Recorded |
Network | Offline |
Status | Accepted |
Here is some information about the route taken on this flight.
Departure | Gothenburg-Landvetter Airport (ESGG) |
Arrival | Stockholm-Arlanda Airport (ESSA) |
Comments can be left on reports to provide feedback to members, or to describe the context of a flight.
Hi for some reason, this did not submit % gave me this report to send: dbid=2135&sessionid=8120&code=SAS&flightnumber=69J&bidid=67399&departureicao=ESGG&arrivalicao=ESSA&aircraft=9&flighttime=01:03&landingrate=-488&fuelused=2250&online=Offline&route=LABA3M LABAN N873 ARS T317 ELTOK ELTO2H&log=[08:18:35] - Boarding Started*[08:18:35] - PMDG 737-800NGXu SSW Comair Limited (ZS-ZWG | 2016)*[08:25:26] - Taxiing to Runway*[08:25:26] - Engine 2 Started*[08:25:27] - Engine 1 Started*[08:26:57] - NAV1 - 110.10*[08:27:08] - COM1 - 122.80*[08:38:55] - Take off at 156kts and with 5206kgs of fuel on board*[08:38:55] - Climbing to TOC*[08:52:51] - Cruise Level FL350*[09:00:32] - Descending to destination*[09:20:28] - Sim Paused*[09:20:29] - Sim Unpaused*[09:26:32] - Landed at -488fpm, with 3260kgs of fuel on board and at 141kts*[09:28:12] - Engine 2 Shutdown*[09:28:19] - Arrived safely at ESSA. We hope you enjoyed your flight!*[09:28:19] - PMDG 737-800NGXu SSW Comair Limited (ZS-ZWG | 2016)*[09:28:
Please report any inappropriate comments to a member of staff.
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David Williamson (UNI2235)
This flight was recovered using the Flight Dispatch Centre after a problem was detected.