Here is some general data for this flight report.
Flight | UKA109R |
Member | David Williamson |
Date | 5th February 2022 |
Aircraft | Any General Aviation Aircraft |
Flight Time | 00:26 |
Landing Rate | -87 |
Network | Offline |
Status | Accepted |
Here is some information about the route taken on this flight.
Departure | Royal Marines Base Chivenor Airport (EGDC) |
Arrival | St Mawgan AB (EGDG) |
Comments can be left on reports to provide feedback to members, or to describe the context of a flight.
After investigation it appears to be the case that EGDG was the ICAO for RAF st Mawgan which was newquay airport before it was handed over by the RAF to a commercial operator, this is when the ICAO changed to EGHQ. The tour you flew was written back in 2013 so at the time it may of been correct, but now it's changed. Will change this our end, thanks for bringing it to our attention.
Please report any inappropriate comments to a member of staff.
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David Williamson (UNI2235)
The ICAO for St Mawgan is EGHQ not EGDG!