Here is some general data for this flight report.
Flight | RYS016Y |
Member | Brian Levy |
Date | 6th February 2023 |
Aircraft | Boeing 737-800 |
Flight Time | 01:33 |
Landing Rate | -346 |
Network | Offline |
Status | Accepted |
Here is some information about the route taken on this flight.
Departure | Riga International Airport (EVRA) |
Arrival | Krakow International Airport (EPKK) |
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Brian Levy (UNI1158)
`Just before descent, I had a sudden drop in airspeed for absolutely no reason (I assume it is an Asobo weather thing). The airspeed recovered within seconds but the stick shaker was activated for a couple of seconds. This was not a stall in the conventional sense.... Nothing to do with anything I was doing... we were crusing along in autopilot when it happened. AP did not disconnect