Here is some general data for this flight report.
Flight | UAE47 |
Member | Brian Levy |
Date | 12th March 2023 |
Aircraft | Boeing 737-800 |
Flight Time | 07:22 |
Landing Rate | -297 |
Network | Offline |
Status | Accepted |
Here is some information about the route taken on this flight.
Departure | Dubai International Airport (OMDB) |
Arrival | Frankfurt International Airport (EDDF) |
Comments can be left on reports to provide feedback to members, or to describe the context of a flight.
There is a problem with the reported fuel burn in the ProSim software. The range of the 737-800 is 2900 miles. Thus the flight was entirely legitimate. Thus I dispute your decision.
Please check the range of the 737-800 on the Boeing site. I am sure that you will agree that it is somewhat unreasonable to penalise me for a bug in the ProSim software.
Good evening Brian, hope you are well! While the official range may be 2900 miles, as I am sure you know this is all based on payload/configuration/tank configuration/weather on the day/wind direction etc. Further more the route above is 2782nm, putting the aircraft to it's absolute limits when taking into account holding fuel/diversion options. As you have already mentioned there is a bug with your software that means your fuel burn is incorrect on such flights, which can lead to an unfair advantage to other members using similar aircraft in other simulators. Therefore in the interest of fairness all round can I please ask that you only fly routes using your ProSim 737-800 up to 2500nm going forward. This would give you the correct fuel loading, holding fuel and diversion fuel even with the bug you have mentioned. I will also change this pirep to accepted now an explanation has been given, kind regards - Ryan
Please report any inappropriate comments to a member of staff.
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Colin Ray (UNI1625)
Hi, flight exceeds aircraft range. You show 20000kg showing as remaing but that is not possible. Please refer to Discord posts on this issue. Estimated fuel burn = 18267KG Block fuel = 20911KG Fuel deficit = 1313KG